UCC 2010
December 14-16, 2010, Chennai, India
Program Schedule New!!
Download UCC2010 Program.

Tentative Schedule for UCC 2010 (Day 1)


UCC 2010 Program


9:00 –
1:00 pm

Speakers: Dr. S .Thamarai Selvi, Anna university Chennai, India
Prof. Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia and Team


1:00 – 2:00 pm


2:00 – 3:15 pm

UCC 2010 Opening and Keynote Speech
Cloud Computing for Enterprise, Business and Industry Applications 
Speaker: Dr. Subrahmanya Rao, Cognizant Technology Solutions,India

3:15 – 3:30pm

Tea Break


Session: Cloud Resource Management


3:30–5:15 pm

Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, Massimo Villari and Antonio Puliafito.
Virtual Machine Provisioning Through Satellite Communications in Federated Cloud Environments


Amit Nathani, Sanjay Chaudhary and Gaurav Somani.
Policy Based Resource Allocation in IaaS Cloud

Hamoun Ghanbari, Marin Litoiu, Bradley Simmons and Gabriel Iszlai.
Feedback-based Optimization of a Private Cloud


Sangmi Pallickara, Shrideep Pallickara and Milija Zupanski.
Towards Efficient Data Search and Subsetting of Large-scale Atmospheric Datasets


Tentative Schedule for UCC 2010 (Day 2 – Dec. 15, 2010)


UCC 2010 Program

9:00 – 10:00am

ICoAC 2010/UCC 2010 Inauguration

10:00 – 10:15am

Tea Break


ICoAC 2010 Keynote Speech:
Title: Shifting Advanced Computing Focus on Interactions and Experience
Speaker: Dr. Sasanka Prabhala, Intel Corporation, USA


Session: Green Clouds/ Cloud Efficiency

11:15–1:00 pm

Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara.
Adaptive Heterogeneous Language Support within a Cloud Runtime

Nitesh Maheshwari, Radheshyam Nanduri and Vasudeva Varma.
Dynamic Energy Efficient Data Placement and Cluster Reconfiguration Algorithm for MapReduce Framework                

Jerome Gallard, Christine Morin, Geoffroy Vallee, Thomas Naughton, Stephen Scott and Adrien Lèbre.
Architecture for the Next Generation System Management Tools

Christian Vecchiola, Rodrigo Calheiros, Dileban Karunamoorthy and Rajkumar Buyya. Provisioning Resources for Scientific Applications in Hybrid Clouds with Aneka

1:00–2:00 pm


2:00–3:00 pm

ICoAC 2010 Keynote Speech:
Title : Data Services for Virtual Organizations
Speaker: Dr. Carl Kesselman, University of Southern California, USA

3:00–3:15 pm

Tea Break


Session: Cloud Economy/ SLA Management

3:15–5:00 pm

Alain Tchana, Suzy Temate, Laurent Broto and Daniel Hagimont.
Autonomic resource allocation in a J2EE cluster

Yohei Matsuhashi, Takahiro Shinagawa, Yoshiaki Ishii, Nobuyuki Hirooka and Kazuhiko Kato.
Transparent VPN Failure Recovery with Virtualization                

Ralph Vigne, Juergen Mangler, Erich Schikuta and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma.
Providing a Structured Marketplace for Arbitrary Services

Michael Maurer, Vincent Chimaobi Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic and Jorn Altmann.
Cost and Benefit of the SLA Mapping Approach for Defining Standardized Goods in Cloud Computing Markets

Tentative Schedule for UCC 2010 (Day 3 – Dec. 16, 2010)


UCC 2010 Program

9:00 – 10:00am

ICoAC 2010 Keynote Speech
Title: Cloud Computing: Vision, Challenges, and Opportunities
Speaker: Prof. Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne

10:00 – 10:30 am

Tea Break

10:30 –1:00 pm

Suraj Pandey, William Voorsluys, Sheng Niu, Ahsan Khandoker and Rajkumar Buyya.
An Autonomic Cloud Environment for Hosting ECG Data Analysis Services

Sadeka Islam, Jacky Keung, Kevin Lee and Anna Liu.
An Empirical Study into Adaptive Resource Provisioning in the Cloud

Eugen Feller, John Mehnert-Spahn, Michael Schoettner and Christine Morin.
Independent Checkpointing in a Heterogeneous Grid Environment

Arijit Mukherjee and Paul Watson.
Case for Dynamic Deployment in a Grid-based Distributed Query Processor

Satish Srirama, Pelle Jakovits and Eero Vainikko.
Adapting Scientific Computing Problems to Clouds using MapReduce



Lunch Break


Session: Cloud Work in Progress


Spyridon Gogouvitis, Kleopatra Konstanteli, George Kousiouris, Gregory Katsaros, Dimosthenis Kyriazis and Theodora Varvarigou. 
Workflow Management in Service Oriented Infrastructures

Ana Juan Ferrer, Francisco Hernández, Johan Tordsson, Erik Elmroth, Csilla Zsigri, Raül Sirvent, Jordi Guitart, Rosa M. Badia, Karim Djemame, Wolfgang Ziegler, Theo Dimitrakos, Srijith K. Nair, George Kousiouris, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Theodora Varvarigou, Benoit Hudzia, Alexander Kipp, Stefan Wesner, Marcelo Corrales, Nikolaus Forgó, Tabassum Sharif and Craig Sheridan. 
OPTIMIS: a Holistic Approach to Cloud Service Provisioning

3:00 – 3:30pm

Presidential Address: Prof. S. Shanmugavel, Registrar, Anna University
Valedictory Address: Prof. Ivona Brandic, Vienna Institute of Technology, Austria