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Conference Venue
Langham Hotel, One Southgate Avenue, Southbank, Melbourne, Victoria 3006, Australia
Final Program for CCGrid 2010
Professor William D. Gropp
Paul and Cynthia Saylor Professor of Computer Science
Computer Science Department
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Clusters revolutionized computing by making supercomputer capabilities
widely available. But one of the main drivers of that revolution, the
rapid doubling of processor clock rates, ran out of steam several
years ago. To maintain (or even increase) the historic rate of
improvement in computing power, processor designs are rapidly
increasing parallelism at all levels, including more functional units,
more cores, and ways to share resources among threads. Heterogeneous
designs that use more specialized processors such as GPGPUs are
becoming common. The scale of high-end systems is ... more
Professor José A.B. Fortes
BellSouth Eminent Scholar
Director, NSF Center for Autonomic Computing
The University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
The growing number of announced commercial and scientific clouds strongly
suggests that in the near future these providers will be differentiated
according to the types of their services, their cost, availability and
quality. Users will be able to use these and other criteria to determine
which clouds best suit their needs, a plausible scenario being the case when
users need to aggregate capabilities provided by different clouds. In such
scenarios it will be essential to provide virtual networking technologies
that enable providers to support cross-cloud communication and users to
deploy cross-cloud applications. This talk will describe ... more
Professor Dr. Rajkumar Buyya
Director of CLOUDS Lab
The University of Melbourne, Australia
CEO, Manjrasoft Pvt Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of services that are commoditised and delivered in a manner similar to utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services based on their requirements without regard to where the services are hosted. Several computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility computing vision and they include Grid computing, P2P computing, and more recently Cloud computing. The latter term denotes the infrastructure as a “Cloud” in which businesses and users are able to access applications from anywhere in the world on demand. Cloud computing delivers infrastructure, platform, and software (application) as services, which are ... more
Cloud Panel - Cloud Deployment Trajectories for National Goals |
Cloud computing is taking over the IT world even though there are only
a few de facto standards. Industry, science and government are all
pursuing the cloud concept as a way to reduce costs while improving
efficiency, flexibility, and delivering more compute power. Needless
to say, there are enormous challenges to actually realizing this grand
vision. Performance management, information assurance (security),
legal precedent, policy and governance are all major issue areas.
Nonetheless, several national governments have announced projects to
adopt cloud computing. This panel will examine the following
What scope of users do these projects initially plan to support?
Just routine business IT functions?
What national goals do these projects have? Simply to reduce IT
budgets, or to facilitate scientific and technological progress for
national interests?
What will be the practical and realistic deployment trajectories for
these resources?
To realize these goals through a planned deployment trajectory,
what capabilities and resources will need to be in place in which order?
What standards will need to be in place to mitigate the risk of
"vendor lock-in" and prevent the deployment of non-interoperable
"cloud silos"?
Given that national cloud projects will be major stakeholders with
regards to needing cloud standards, how can they influence, or even
drive, the standards process across the marketplace?
Panel Members
Rhys Francis, Executive Director, Australian eResearch Infrastructure Council
Simone Brunozzi,
Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services - APAC (Asia Pacific)
Manish Parashar, NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure and Rutgers University
Moderator/Chair: Craig Lee, OGF President
Welcome |
The CCGrid symposium series serves as a major international forum for presenting and sharing recent research accomplishments and technological developments in the field of Cluster, Cloud and Grid computing.
The first CCGrid Conference started in Brisbane, Australia, in 2001. Since then, the confernce has successfully been hosted around the world. The confernces from 2002 to 2009 were held in Germany, Japan, USA, UK, Singapore, Brazil, France and China, respectively. Returning back to its originating country, the 10th International conference is going to be held in Melbourne, Australia.
We invite research demonstrations from laboratories or research groups (academic, government, or industrial) to showcase new innovations and technologies in Cloud Computing and HPC/scientific applications at the CCGrid 2010 conference. CCGrid is a highly successful and well-recognized International conference for presenting the latest breakthroughs in Cluster, Cloud and Grid technologies.
Please visit Call for demos for more details.
The Third IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2010) is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).
For more information, please visit: SCALE 2010 Challenge .